NEVBGA Winter Meetings
Winter Meetings Information
The NEV&BGA hosts a series of winter grower meetings each year as an opportunity for growers to learn about ongoing research projects, variety trials, new equipment, growing techniques, and business topics to strengthen their businesses.
Each wither NEV&BGA hosts a series of winter meetings for growers of all sizes and specialties. Meetings include a variety of topics including improved growing techniques, production equipment, food safety, variety trials, and marketing and business topics.
The meetings allow for members to exchange ideas, meet new people, and learn something new. Commercial members are invited to set up a table top display at each meeting.
Each meeting will allow for Continuing Education Units or CEU’s for those with pesticide licenses
611th Meeting
New England Vegetable and Berry Growers’ Association
and New England Cooperative Extension present an all-day meeting
DATE: Saturday, February 22, 2025
LOCATION: The Bull Run Restaurant, 215 Great Road, Shirley, MA 01464
There is a $20 registration fee, which is waived for members of NEV&BGA. Lunch buffet is an additional $25.
To register, please RSVP to 978-423-6694 or by February 10th
9:00 Registration
9:30 Personal Protective Equipment Selection- Al Sorensen, UMass School of Public Health & Health Sciences. Mr. Sorenson will present on selecting the correct PPE necessary for applicator safety in accordance with product labels.
10:15 Drone Imaging and Nutrient Management in Small Fruit Operations- Evan Lentz, Assistant Extension Educator, Fruit Production and IPM UConn. Evan will present the ongoing research project that will help small fruit growers to monitor and diagnose nutrient deficiencies and aid in decision making to correct those issues for greater productivity of small fruit and berry plantings.
11:00 Pest Trends and Patterns from the UNH Trapping Network: Amber Vinchesi-Vahl, Ph.D.
Associate State Specialist, Entomology and IPM, University of New Hampshire
Dr. Vinchesi-Vahl will present findings on sweet corn pests, squash vine borer, brown marmorated stink bug and spotted wing drosophila from the UNH Trapping Network and how weather patterns are affecting populations and movement.
Noon LUNCH & Commercial Member introductions, extension updates, NEVBGA updates
1:00 Grant Writing for Success- How to Prepare for Your Next Grant Opportunity: Abby Hevey Co-Founder of Coastal Food Shed and Manager of Grants & Development. Abby will present her proven system for finding, writing, and managing grant projects in the farming and food space.
1:45 Using Soil Tests to Optimize Crop Production- John Howell, UMass Extension Emeritus John will present on the foundations of interoperating soil test results for growers to make decisions on fertilizer requirements for optimal crop production.
2:30 Berry Production and The Future of The UMass Small Fruit Program: Jianyu Li, Ph.D.
Extension Assistant Professor, Sustainable Fruit and Vegetable Production, Stockbridge School of Agriculture. Dr. Li is the newest addition to the UMass Extension Faculty dedicated to Fruit & Vegetable Production, and will present his research and industry experience in small fruit and discuss plans for future research and grower engagement.
3:15 Adjourn
** Pesticide recertification credits have been applied for, pending certification**
Commercial members are welcome to put up table-top displays with pre-registration with Chris Grant