How We Got Started
In 1886 a group of growers around Boston banded together during a harvest emergency to form the Boston Market Gardeners’ Association. The growers found that by working together they could deal effectively with problems that affected them all. Over the years, many growers from New Hampshire and other New England States joined, and in 1964 the name was changed to the New England Vegetable Growers Association. Since many members also grow small fruit as well as vegetables, the name was changed again in 1994 to the New England Vegetable & Berry Growers Association. The Association is recognized as a progressive organization of leading growers in New England.
The Boston Market Gardeners’ Association was instrumental in establishing the Market Garden Field Station at Lexington, Massachusetts in 1917. It also aided in the move of this Station to more favorable land in Waltham, Massachusetts. The expansion of the Station resulted in changing the name to the Waltham Field Station — now the Eastern Massachusetts Agricultural Center.
For over one hundred years, the history of this organization has been filled with activity directed toward the improvement of the industry for the good of all engaged in it. The Association has taken all steps to promote measures favorable to the industry, and has strongly resisted federal and state legislation deemed harmful or unfair. A recent example is the Association’s role in developing the Commonwealth Quality Program as an alternative to the GAP program.
The Association currently provides research grants to New England researchers doing practical work to support the industry. NEV&BGA also provides support for Extension Specialists.
Our Mission
In these days of rapidly changing conditions in the growing, shipping, and selling of vegetables and berries, it is important that growers have an organization that will keep them informed. The New England Vegetable & Berry Growers Association (NEV&BGA) is a strong and progressive organization that offers wide-ranging initiatives supporting efforts to maintain the well-being of the industry throughout New England.
New England Vegetable and Berry Growers Non-discrimination Statement
The New England Vegetable & Berry Growers Association (NEVBGA), based in Massachusetts, serves producers of vegetables and small fruits across New England and beyond. Association membership is open to farmers, industry representatives, and affiliated stakeholders.
The NEVBGA works collaboratively with all 6 New England Land Grant Universities (UMass, UCONN, URI, UNH, UVM, and UMaine) to conduct educational programming on agricultural production, marketing, and other related areas. Larger educational conferences also include collaboration with New York (Cornell).
The NEVBGA makes it a priority to serve diverse audiences across the state of Massachusetts and New England. The Association strives to offer equal access to educational programs and equal opportunity for members without discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, physical ability, religion, sexual orientation, and veteran status. In working with the Land Grant Universities, that receive both federal and state funding, the Association adheres to federal and state statues regarding Civil Rights in their role as a cooperator with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), and the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA).
For further information or to make special requests based on vision, hearing, or language please contact Secretary-Treasurer Chris Grant, 978-423-6694 or nevbga@gmail.com